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Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Saturday 13 July 2013

Top Ten 'Mistakes' Made by Parents America

Cover of Parenting
Cover of Parenting (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Copyright © 2010-2013 Ryan Hogan

On one hand the word "mistake" may be too harsh. Every child is different and only you really know if your offspring is happy and flourishing. Therefore, who is to say what a parenting mistake is and is not?

On the other hand, "mistake" may not be harsh enough. Raising a child is the most important job in the world and if you err as a parent, the word "mistake" may not fully convey the seriousness of the situation.

Chances are though you're not making any of the ten mistakes listed below. Maybe you're close on one or two, but nothing to really worry yourself about. So use this list as a reminder of what not to do as a parent. In our busy lives we often fail to slow down and examine what's going on around us. This list is a great place start when you want to reflect on how you're raising your child.

However, if you realize you're making many of these mistakes it's probably time to sit down with your spouse and reevaluate your roles as parents. Remember, it's never too late to change.

Mistake #1 - Being Your Child's Friend

You should be friendly to your children but you shouldn't be your children's friends. They can have as many friends as they want but they only get two parents. What kids need is to live with two people that will teach, discipline, and protect them. They don't need a wingman or BFF.

Mistake #2 - Not Spending Time with Your Child

It doesn't matter if your kid is born into a wealthy family or one of modest means; it doesn't matter if your child is part of a big family or a small one; it doesn't matter who your kid is because the only thing he or she really wants from you is your time. Yes, work is important but it's never as important as spending time with your son or daughter. This also includes attending their extracurricular activities and being involved in their school.

Front cover of Parenting, Inc.
Front cover of Parenting, Inc. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mistake #3 - Spoiling Your Child

If your son or daughter gets everything they want they will always want more. In other words, they need to learn the word "no." It may make you feel better (it may be easier) for you to spoil your child but in the long run it does more harm than good. Sure, you want to provide for your child and give them everything they need, but that doesn't mean they need to get everything they want. Save the spoiling for the grand kids.

Mistake #4 - Worrying Too Much About Low Self-Esteem

While you don't want to verbally teardown your son or daughter, it's perfectly okay for them to learn that not everything they do is great. In other words don't praise mediocrity. For kids to grow up healthy they need to have a little self doubt. The kids with too much self-esteem are generally more of a problem than those with too little.
Parent Line
Parent Line (Photo credit: quirkybird)

Mistake #5 - Not Disciplining Your Child

Yes, it's not very fun to discipline a child. Yes, it takes time and energy, but you have to do it-if not for yourself than for everyone else. You'll know you're disciplining your child correctly when they behave better away from home. Remember to never argue with your son or daughter. You're the parent. What you say goes; there's no discussion. If they don't like it, then they can suffer the consequences.

Mistake #6 - Being a Poor Role Model

Whether you realize it or not, your child is learning how to behave from watching you. There are some times and situations where the phrase "do as I say not as I do" applies (homework, bedtime, wine with dinner) but for the most part they do what you do. This applies to how you treat other people; your diet and exercise; and how you deal with stress.

Mistake #7 - Treating Your Kids Like Wimps

Humans have been around for 200,000 years. This means kids have been around for 200,000 years. It also means your kid will be fine if he or she has to make their own lunch, takes the bus home from school, or gets called a name by the neighbor kid. Children are emotionally and physically tougher than we give them credit for. They don't need to be coddled all the time.

Mistake #8 - Failing To Give Them Responsibilities

No one gets a free lunch. Even your cat earns their keep (either by catching mice or being extremely cute). Your child is no different. They should have age appropriate responsibilities, i.e. chores. They need to learn right away that life is basically a series of one-thing-you-don't-want-to-do after another. Plus, if your child is allowed to coast at home how are they going to act at college or on the job?

Mistake #9 - Living Vicariously Through Your Children

Just because you wanted to be a world-class gymnast doesn't mean your son or daughter does too. Let them find their own passion. Pushing your child into an activity, especially something they don't genuinely love to do, usually results in resentment rather than greatness. However, if they do find their bliss support them one-hundred percent.

Mistake #10 - Not Being True To Your Word

Whether it's a threat or a promise be prepared to always back up your words. This is easier said than done as sometimes you say things in the heat of a moment you wish you hadn't and what sounded like a good idea on Sunday isn't such a good idea after working a 12-hour shirt on Tuesday. Nonetheless you need to try as hard as humanly possible to make your word golden. If your kid realizes you're all talk, you'll have a huge problem on your hands.

About the Author:
Ryan Hogan writes for, a website that offers parents who want to have fun all kinds of useful resources such as a directory of fun parenting businesses like a directory of children's entertainment companies. Also read the parenting blog that offers great information for parents such as the top 10 parenting mistakes. Learn more at:

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Source: Article Submission Service
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Friday 12 July 2013

When A Strong Woman Can Make You A Better Man

English: Two models on the runway in clothes a...
English: Two models on the runway in clothes at a fashion show in , Japan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Copyright © 2009-2013 Coalton Reynolds

Behind every man, there is a strong women.

After my recent split with my girlfriend of two years I have found myself thinking how much I have changed. At first, I just thought I was only different around her, but now I seem to be a totally different person.

Does being in such a serious relationship make a man change? Obviously spending a lengthy period of time with anyone will change a certain aspect of your life, whether it be something trivial, your fashion sense or in my case my masculinity.

I believe I was so infatuated with this woman, and I spent so much time with her that I actually became "One of the girls". At first I guess it sounds pretty bad, but really its not. The easiest way to have an understanding of women is to spend time with them, hang out with them. You pick up their habits and every women wants a man to go watch a chick-flick with them, and not with someone who is going to pretend to be interested.

Picking up a female's habits are really not that bad though, you might find yourself talking to her about hair and clothes, but the first thing you will notice is that you actually do take much better care of yourself, and you have become a lot more polite. These are the most obvious and the beginning signs that she is starting to "mold" you.

Whether a women wants to admit it or not, when they are in a relationship with a man, they see us for what we are and then they see the potential. They like to change a man to make him more attractive, for their pleasure and maybe their reputation... I don't know, but its true.

You will find yourself dressing in clothes that she has picked for you which "improve" your appearance, but do they? I doubt that there is one guy out there who hasn't received a bad present from a partner, the majority of these will be clothes, matching jumpers, bright shirts, floral patterns and the dreaded skinny jeans.

I used to be a long haired surfer dude, (who couldn't surf), and now with the "guidance" of that special lady I have short neat hair, and I guess you could say I dress preppy. Huge transformation?

English: A model on the runway in clothes at a...
English: A model on the runway in clothes at a fashion show in , Japan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Well I can let you into a secret, most men can - but a lot of us can't - learn how to say no! Tell her enough is enough, unless you want to change.

Think of it this way, the A-list celebs we all see on TV don't pick their own clothes, they have personal shoppers - women they pay to tell them what to wear! And us the lucky guys have it free.

I'm not just saying that women control what we wear, they also control what we eat, our mannerisms and the way we look at other women. Well done girls!

I can honestly say some women have such power to make a man look at the floor when a hot women walks into the room! I know this because I was with a very "powerful" woman.

But if you know how to control it you can avoid it, and another secret women think we don't know is that they indirectly use sex as a weapon. Think of that however you might, but it's true. Women control us, and we let them, and we love them for doing it. It does make us better people, and we love them for it.

One day women will rule the world, although at the moment it may be from behind the scenes. Either way, no man will ever be more powerful, than the woman who made him.

About the Author:
Coalton Reynolds writes about dating and relationships. If you are exploring the online adult dating scene, you may want to consider due to its large membership base of people looking for relationships of all kinds.

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Wednesday 10 July 2013

Why We Women Are Our Own Greatest Enemy When Dating

The Thinking Man sculpture at Musée Rodin in Paris
The Thinking Man sculpture at Musée Rodin in Paris (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Copyright © 2009-2013 RoseMary Alberts

It is rightly said, "Women never know what they want."

I begin by saying this because, I have learned that while there are women who want to be committed to one man, there are some others who seek only attention, gifts, dinners, movies etc, and still others who are only interested in having a physical relationship. But all these three categories cannot be used as a base to judge women and their point of view about relationships only because, like I said, "Women never know what they want."

So read on and you will know what I mean...

When I was in my twenties, I was once walking my little dog "spark", and I noticed a man staring at me.

I ignored him and moved on.

He followed me, and without any waste of time, he introduced himself to me.

As I kept talking to him, I found him to be very interesting and I knew he was attracted to me too.

This went on for a couple of days, until one day he asked me out to dinner. I did not even think twice as this was what I was waiting for.

We went out that weekend for dinner, had a lovely time and I promptly came back home that night. This went on for months. Our relationship was growing, we were becoming more than just friends, got closer emotionally and physically.

Then one evening, I casually asked him where did he think this relationship was going.

He said he preferred not thinking about it.

It was a little disturbing. I mean, I was expecting him to say something that put us on a committed path with one another.

When I asked him what he meant by that and why he did not want to think ahead, he plainly said "because I am a man, and men don't do that."

I was so puzzled. When everything was going so well, I felt like our relationship was actually going somewhere. I wanted him to meet my friends, wanted to have conversations about our future, marriage, kids, our little home over-looking the park, a little dog etc. And the more I thought about it, the more I felt, or rather, the more I assumed he felt this way too. But I was wrong...

This made me sad the first few days, then angry, then I reached a phase where it did not bother me anymore, and finally I was thinking it probably happened for the best and he was not meant for me anyway.

It made me wonder how just a few weeks back I was dreaming of a home, kids, and marriage and now I'm glad I'm alone and free again.

Why is it so hard for us women to decide on one thing? Why do we always want to put our feet into every shoe?

No wonder men find it so easy to move on and say, "there are other fish in the sea".

Why does it take so long for women to figure that out? Why do they wait for reality, or in this case, men, to brutally show it to them?

There's no end to these questions, but there probably is only one answer - "Women never know what they want".

About the Author:
RoseMary Alberts lives in Florida and has a lifetime of dating experiences in her rear view mirror. As a attractive and young 50-year-old, she enjoyed the single life through most of her twenties and for the last ten years, since the death of her late husband. For online dating, visit:

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Saturday 6 July 2013

Lindsay Lohan And The Entitlement Generation Benefit From Flowers At Work

Over (Lindsay Lohan song)
Over (Lindsay Lohan song) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Copyright © 2006-2013 Wesley Berry, AAF

Lindsay Lohan is well known not just for her acting ability, but also for her party girl ways. Unfortunately, it would seem the fun she has off the set occasionally affects the work she does on the set since she recently received a letter from the firm producing her latest movie, Georgia Rule, scolding her for unprofessional behavior. The letter chastised Lohan for behaving in a "discourteous, irresponsible, and unprofessional" manner, stating that she'd been late for work on several occasions and hadn't come at all on others. Many businesses that employ young people in Lohan's generation may not be all that surprised by such "bad" behavior-after all, that generation is referred to as the "entitlement generation."

People born between the years of 1979 and 1994 are members of the so-called "entitlement generation." The moniker comes from the perception that these young people believe they deserve special treatment and perks simply for showing up. Of course, most employers don't see it that way! However, a survey conducted by Wayne A Hochwarter of Florida State University's College of Business suggests that this idea really is more of a perception than a reality. In fact, Hochwarter contends that what this generation really wants is long-term career opportunities.
Lindsay Lohan at Calvin Klein Spring 2007 Fash...
Lindsay Lohan at Calvin Klein Spring 2007 Fashion Show Afterparty. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hochwarter believes the reason for the attitudes projected by young people of the generation has its roots in the way they were raised. He says, "A lot of it has to do with this generation's upbringing. A lot of these children didn't have a lot of parental supervision." He went on to say that these young people are used to instant gratification because they grew up with technological advances that made fast results possible-things like cell phones, email, and instant messaging.

But, Hochwarter also says that the entire generation should not be judged as lazy and unwilling to work. On the contrary, they do want to work, they simply need to be challenged. He points out that this generation brings "significant talent, energy, and technical savvy to the workplace."

One key to tapping into the potential of these workers is through recognition when they do perform well. Letting employees know that you appreciate their hard work is an excellent way to ensure the great performance continues. And, it really doesn't take a lot of effort or money to recognize someone for a job well done. Flowers are an excellent way to let someone know how much they're appreciated. They're easy to order, cost relatively little money, and they can be personalized to fit anyone and any situation. For example, if a male employee has recently landed a big account, you might consider sending a green or flowering plant with a note offering your congratulations and specifically mentioning the event. Or, if a female employee has developed an exceptional solution that will save the company a lot of money, you might want to send a large, showy bouquet of brightly colored flowers that will really draw attention to her achievement.

So, though Lindsay Lohan's employer found it necessary to do a bit of scolding to get her behavior moving in the right direction, the production company may find that letting her know when they're pleased with her work will keep Lohan focused on the task at hand. Perhaps the next report we'll hear of Lohan's behavior on the set will involve a great big bouquet of flowers and a note of thanks for a box office hit.

About the Author:
Wesley Berry is member of the American Academy of Floriculture (AAF) and President of Wesley Berry Flowers, a successful multi-million dollar floral business that was established in 1946. He also works with to provide useful information about funeral homes across the nation. He has been recognized by florists nationwide as a leader in the flower business. Visit Wesley Berry Flowers on the web at

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Source: Article Submission Service
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Friday 5 July 2013

Jennifer Aniston Could Webcast Her Wedding Flowers To The World

Copyright © 2006-2013 Wesley Berry, AAF

Jennifer Aniston at the 2008 Toronto Internati...
Jennifer Aniston at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Webcasts are all the rage these days with popular shows like Big Brother, Survivor, and many others jumping on the bandwagon to show footage not available on network television. Now, it seems the trend has carried over into the world of weddings. The question is will big stars with upcoming "I Dos," like Jennifer Aniston, take advantage of Webcasting technology to show off their wedding flowers and finery to the world?

Justin Theroux at the premiere of Baby Mama in...
Justin Theroux at the premiere of Baby Mama in New York City at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Technology certainly has brought the wedding industry a long way. It used to be that if you wanted to be able to watch your wedding on a television screen, you had to beg Uncle Herman to stand at the back of the church holding an enormous, clunky video camera. Televised weddings were only for the likes of royalty such as Prince Charles and Lady Diana. All that has changed now.

There are now countries around the country that allow the bride and groom to combine the now common practice of videotaping (more often accomplished today with the help of a professional videographer instead of Uncle Herman) with the use of web sites set up specifically to allow wedding guests to view photos from the ceremony and reception after the big day. The results is a wedding Webcast that allows guests to view the entire ceremony and other select footage while lounging in comfy pajamas in front of their own computers.

justin1 (Photo credit: ahalligan)
Cover of "Wedding Flowers"
Cover of Wedding Flowers
Considering how much play a wedding could get these days, it's more important than ever that every detail is exactly as the couple imagined it. Of course, one of the major components of a wedding is flowers. To be sure they're getting the best value for their money as well as beautiful flowers they'll be proud to show off to the world, the couple should search carefully for the florist that best fits their style and needs. To find the right florist, couples should watch for the following during their search:

  • Find a florist who displays and offers flowers in the style you find most appealing. While florists are generally adept at designing flowers to meet almost any style, for a day as important as a wedding, couples will want someone who is especially good at the style they're looking for.

  • Look for a florist who believes customer service is as important as the arrangements they design. If a florist doesn't take the time to listen to what the bride and groom have to say or doesn't respond to questions in a professional, knowledgeable, and friendly manner, it's probably best for the couple to keep looking. After all, planning a wedding involves enough stress without adding the frustration of poor service.

  • Watch for great quality. If the flowers in the shop aren't fresh, the wedding flowers may not be either.

  • Choose a florist with professional affiliations, such as FTD, Teleflora, or the Society of American Florists. Those florists who make the commitment of joining a professional organization are more likely to be serious about what they do and take customer satisfaction to the highest levels.

    Though it's not very likely that someone like Jennifer Aniston who has kept her relationship with fiancé Vince Vaughn under tight wraps will choose to Webcast her wedding to the world, it's now easier than ever for the average bride and groom to share their special day and all the preparation with anyone who's interested in watching. And, the cost of a wedding Webcast is surprisingly low, starting at just $395...which leaves plenty of money to spend on flowers!

    About the Author:
    Wesley Berry is member of the American Academy of Floriculture (AAF) and President of Wesley Berry Flowers, a successful multi-million dollar floral business that was established in 1946. He also works with to provide useful information about funeral homes across the nation. He has been recognized by florists nationwide as a leader in the flower business. Visit Wesley Berry Flowers on the web at

    Read More Articles by Wesley Berry, AAF
    Source: Article Submission Service

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    Friday 28 June 2013

    Hillary Duff's Generation May Buy More Flowers Thanks To A Loyola College Study

    Best of Hilary Duff
    Best of Hilary Duff (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    Copyright © 2007-2013 Wesley Berry, AAF

    How do people like Hillary Duff who are in the 18 to 30 year old age range feel about flowers? Well, that's exactly what three teams of advertising students at Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland set out to discover for a class project.

    The teams conducted a survey of 150 students and young adults at Loyola College and in the surrounding metropolitan area. Once all of the responses were collected, the teams used the school's marketing database for additional research. The results led to a number of the team members to describe consumers in the 18 to 30 year old range to be "frugal, busy, and preoccupied." What's more, they may think of flowers as old-fashioned gifts that are just too sentimental or commonplace.

    That's a rather unfortunate viewpoint since flowers have been proven through scientific studies to create immediate feelings of joy that last over a long period of time. They also help people to make connections with others and give a room a welcoming feel. And, according to some Society of American Florists research, 94 percent of women remember the last time they received flowers. Surely a gift that gives so much and creates such lasting memories can't be "old-fashioned" or "commonplace."

    To combat such a negative attitude toward flowers, the advertising students suggested using these tactics to draw young customers:

  • Utilize billboards that are near colleges or in areas frequented by young people.

  • Advertise in college publications and on college radio stations.

  • Use advertising to make statements about giving "just because" flowers to gain the attention of a love interest.

  • Make certain radio ads air during prime driving times.

  • Use Internet advertisements on sites that are frequently used by young people, like and YouTube.

  • Host a college shopping event that allows people to create their own arrangements and shows off some unusual flowers.

  • Put people out on the street to hand out flowers and flyers in college areas.

    As the saying goes, "with age comes wisdom," so perhaps one day Hilary Duff and others of her generation will come to understand how vital a role flowers play in our society and the great impact they have on our emotions-even if it takes a little nudging from some creative advertising.

    About the Author:
    Wesley Berry is member of the American Academy of Floriculture (AAF) and President of Wesley Berry Flowers, a successful multi-million dollar floral business that was established in 1946. He also works with to provide useful information about funeral homes across the nation. He has been recognized by florists nationwide as a leader in the flower business. Visit Wesley Berry Flowers on the web at

    Read More Articles by Wesley Berry, AAF
    Source: Article Submission Service

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    Memo bottle have you heard of it most of you probably have but for those who have not - here is a unique innovative and stylishly designed w...