Showing posts with label Weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight loss. Show all posts

Thursday 6 February 2014

Considering Liposcution To Get Rid Of Excess Fat?

What is a Vaser liposuction surgery aimed for

Author: Amelia Aitken

Having realized that there are invaders in your body—stubborn subcutaneous fat which can't be burned down with dieting and exercise, liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery which aimed to surgically remove the localised fat by draining it out of the treated area. This is aimed at forming a better contour and the removal of the fat from the treatable area is permanent. The procedure is done making some tiny 1.5cm holes into the treatable area and Vaser liposuction is only an advancement of the same that uses ultrasonic vibrations which melts down the fatty tissues before suctioning, with minimal avulsion, pain and bruises. Vaser Liposuction and its further innovations of Vaser Hi-Def Liposculpture and non surgical lipo using the advanced technology are manufactured by Sound Surgical Technologilies LLC. This can be efficiently done on all parts of the body including abdomen, inner and outer thighs, posterior flanks as well as extremely delicate areas like the jaw line for double chin contouring and neck as efficiently, which was vain in case of Traditional Liposuction with even affect.

There is some confusion about the promotion of VASER Liposuction—like it widely said that VASER Lipo. It removes unwanted body fat: while the truth is that VASER Liposuction or any liposuction is meant to treat stubborn body fat that are fat deposits in the skin layers resulting in sagging and baggy areas that do not burn with dieting and exercise. And unwanted body fat is not always stubborn.
Apart from bulgy areas like arms, thighs and abdomen, Vaser Liposuction and Vaser Hi Def Lipo is much used for an infamous symptom called gynecomastia or male breasts, which is often a case of protruding skin in the chest of men and with an unusual appearance of man boobs. Man boobs are also symptom of gynecomastia which a hormonal disorder in men to have breast glands and tissues. For gynecomastia surgery, gland removal surgery is perfumed which might be combined with Vaser hi def lipo to eliminate the surrounding breast fat and tissues, but liposuction alone won't suffice to treat gynecomastia


Because of minimal bruises and pain and trauma, patients can recover much sooner and even resume with the work and normal lifestyle. However there will be some dietary restrictions for a longer time. All surgeries bear some risk factor. In case of Vaser treatments, risks are minimal concerning with scarring because of the incision marks, sagginess of skin and less or no pain at all depending on the patient's sensibility. Results may vary person to person and their attention towards following the instructions given by their doctors. That is why we stress upon the pre and post surgery care so much.

Article Source:

About the Author

This information is based on clinical patient and vaser liposuction surgeon consultation conversations, what patients look for and what can a surgeon do about it. This information is useful worldwide, but is passed on some liposuction clinics in London. The approach of different clinics may vary.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Natural Way To A Thin Stomach

Click to learn more about revolutionary ThinMist! 

Easily Melt Away A Full DECADE of Stubborn Fat by Flooding Your Body With Safe & 100% NATURAL ‘Youth Hormones’ that Reboot Your Aging Metabolism! New ThinMist spray is a truly ASTONISHING weight loss secret that has the diet industry down on their knees, praying you never discover. Click to learn more and to save $57!

Saturday 10 August 2013

Losing Weight and Building Confidence

Losing Weight
Losing Weight (Photo credits:
Copyright © 2010-2013 Larry Tobin

Having confidence in your goal is important. It's tough to stick to something we don't believe we can do, after all. We've talked in other articles about how easy it is to get frustrated, and about controlling negative thoughts in our effort to build up good and healthy habits. We've also talked about rewards and incentives, but we haven't really spoken about the best means of confidence boosting and building a habit of strong thinking itself.

Just like all of our other behaviors, confidence also is a habit. It's a way of thinking that, if we cultivate it properly, will become automatic. People with more confidence try more things, take more risks and have more experiences overall than those of us without it. So let's look at a few ways we can cultivate that kind of confidence for ourselves.

Confidence Booster 1 - Knowing Your Abilities

My Weight Loss Coach
My Weight Loss Coach (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Honesty is the most important part of having a proper confidence habit. There are things we definitely can do, and things we definitely cannot. We can believe all we want that eating while standing up "doesn't count," but the calories still go in! Similarly, just because we're afraid that we can't do something doesn't necessarily mean it's true. We might be convinced that we'll drown the moment we go into a pool, but stepping into the water will prove we're wrong.

To that end, sit down with yourself and go over your goals and steps you've broken your diet plan down into. Look at each one, and come up with two different things that might get in your way of achieving them. Then immediately write down one way you know you can circumvent each potential problem. If it's a friend who insists on super whippy frothy coffee desserts, consider asking them if you can meet at a different venue while you're working on your weight loss.

Do this every single day. Pick out a specific goal, one obstacle and a resolution to that obstacle every morning when you get started. This will get your mind in the habit of thinking about your abilities and what you can do with them, rather than the problems and confidence-crushing hindrances that slow you down. Make sure you do it at the same time every morning to strengthen the habit-building potential of it.

Weight Loss (novel)
Weight Loss (novel) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Confidence Booster 2 - Review Your Successes

Nothing in the world boosts confidence like success. Verbal affirmations of your self worth are a good step, but they're infinitely more powerful when you have something to reflect on when you make them. Equally, successes become more meaningful when rewarded with congratulations, yet often we are the ones least inclined to congratulate ourselves. Stop withholding well-deserved praise from yourself and start acknowledging what you've done right.

Whenever you take a positive step toward your goal, whether that's refusing the large portion for the small one or successfully exercising the "wait 20 minutes" option during a snack craving, compliment yourself for it. Whether aloud or in the privacy of your thoughts, praise yourself for a job well done.

At the end of the day, review all the successes you made. You've probably already gone over the mistakes, so those don't need retreading. Instead, focus on each little victory and take pride in it, knowing that it helped you one step along your way.

Confidence Booster 3 - Set Goals and Hit Them Again

Repetition and routine are the best methods of solidifying a good, powerful habit that will help when losing weight. We've discussed setting goals, and complimenting yourself for achieving them, so now let's talk about repeating them. After all, what's more impressive - hitting the bull's eye, or hitting it 10 times?

To that end, take some time when you wake up to remember the successes from yesterday. After pausing to compliment yourself again for them, affirm that you're going to take the same step today. You did it once, after all; it's entirely within your grasp to do it again. If you think you can, go a step further and affirm an expansion to the goal as well.

This pattern will help you build a habit of consistently seeing your accomplishments as something that you can do and have done, and make you want to do them again. Then, as you get comfortable hitting the mark, you'll naturally want to expand it, hitting a higher goal, until it becomes the one you meet every day.

Confidence Booster 4 - Review the Plan

An interesting study recently showed that people who focus only on their end goal don't tend to succeed as much as those who focus on the goal and the steps in between. Yes, we all want to get to a place where we feel better, and fit into a nicer set of clothes, but if we choose to focus only on the little swimsuit, we're going to inevitably look at ourselves and think, "How will I ever..."

Remember that you have a plan. You're not trying to make a leap; you've got many small steps in between that you're going to take. You don't have to lose fifty pounds today; you just have to replace your usual afternoon candy bar with a healthy sandwich, or a pack of low-salt nuts. You can take that step - that's easy! By reviewing the plan, and focusing both on the intermediate steps AND the goal, you make the goal seem that much more approachable, and you will find your confidence soaring.

About the Author:
Larry Tobin is the co-creator of, offering effective and empowering solutions for stopping stress. Try our 42-day weight loss program at weight loss program today and change your life.

Read More Articles by Larry Tobin
Source: Article Submission Service
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Tuesday 28 May 2013

How to get a thin waist and build stomach muscles the right way

العربية: تمرين الضغط
العربية: تمرين الضغط (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Surprise abs training mistakes to avoid

If you're interested in discovering some areas where you may be going wrong in your abs training and your attempts at losing stomach fat, I have an interview for you below that you'll want to read.

In it, Men's Health Magazine writer Craig Ballantyne, grills Abs-Expert Mike Geary, author of the internationally popular book, The Truth about Six Pack Abs, on the topic of abs training and the biggest myths and mistakes he sees in this field.

Also, be sure to check out Mike's site at:

Here's a copy of the first half of the interview below. In this part of the interview today, we'll just deal with training aspects.

In a couple days, I'll send out the rest of the interview, which Craig and Mike covered the nutrition aspects we need to consider to lose stomach fat and get those hidden abs to show. Enjoy!

CB: Okay Mike, so where does the average man or woman go wrong when it comes to training abs?

MG: Most people are probably going to be surprised with this answer. In their quest for 'six pack abs', the biggest mistake I see people making is wasting WAY too much of their time training their abs directly... pumping away with all kinds of different abs-specific exercises.
I'm sure you know what I'm referring to. The person is trying so hard to get those abs to show, that they're spending almost all of their time in the gym with hundreds of reps of various crunches, leg raises, twisting exercises, etc. Meanwhile, all of that wasted time directly training the abs could have been better spent on a properly designed full body workout program that would elicit a much better metabolic response and increase the fat-burning hormone levels in their body as well.

English: Lower back exercise
English: Lower back exercise (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
After all, losing the stomach fat that is covering the abs is the MOST important aspect for most people to finally be able to make their abs visible. Unfortunately, pumping away with hundreds of crunches and leg raises does NOT cause much of a metabolic or fat burning hormonal response.

This is the main focus of my Truth about Six Pack Abs book... full body training programs and proper nutrition to strip off that stubborn belly fat and reveal the six pack that's hiding underneath!

Of course it wouldn't be an abs book if I didn't focus on ab development too, but I make sure firstly that the most important concepts for lasting body fat reduction are understood.

CB: Do you see any gender differences in mistakes they make? And more importantly, do you see any gender differences in the response to various types of ab training?

MG: To be honest, I don't really see any need for men or women to train differently. Bottom line... the best exercises are the best exercises regardless of gender.

However, in regards to mistakes I see between genders... Yes, I tend to see women more often are deathly afraid to use weight training with anything but really light weights. That is a shame, because THE most effective way to gain control over your body fat for life, is to maximize your lean muscle that your body carries, as well as working that muscle hard through intense resistance exercise regularly.

It's important for women to realize that regular strength training using heavier resistance will NOT "bulk them up" (as long as caloric intake is controlled), but rather is one of the key secrets for losing body fat and staying lean year-round. As a matter of fact, some of the leanest females that I've trained over the years are the ones that aren't afraid to work hard with the weights.

I also notice that most women (and a lot of guys too) spend way too much time with slow cardio exercise. This is simply not necessary, and the way I combine high intensity resistance training into full body routines provides enough of a "cardio" workout in itself usually. We'll get back to this in a minute though.

CB: What about ol' school sit-ups? Do you use these? Are they good, bad, or does it "depend"?

MG: Sit-ups are a controversial topic. I don't think they're good or bad per se, but rather "in between". I didn't include them in my program. I simply don't feel they are necessary, and I think there are much more effective abs exercises to focus on. Personally, I almost never do sit-ups except occasionally for a little variety every now and then.

CB: Give us a weekly sample ab training program. How many days per week? What are a couple of the best exercises you'd pick? How many sets? Reps? Rest?

MG: Well, first I'd like to point out that the full body movements that make up the majority of my programs indirectly work the abs and the entire "core" area to a fairly decent extent. However, I do include abs-specific exercises into the routines generally about twice per week. The "abs-specific" portion of the workouts generally only take about 5 minutes at most with very little rest between exercises.

Once people are past the beginning phase of gaining some initial ab strength, I try to get them away from the exercises that are too easy, where someone can do 50 or 100 reps, as is frequently common with standard crunches. Instead, I like to focus on higher resistance exercises that actually stimulate the muscle fibers to a much greater degree.

One example of a higher resistance abs exercise is hanging leg raises with a proper "pelvic curl up". It's funny but usually someone that has been wasting so much time with hundreds of reps of crunches can usually only do a few solid reps when they first attempt some of these higher resistance exercises.

We also make sure not to neglect some rotational movements, as well as some work for the deeper muscles like the transversus abdominis.

CB: What do you use for burning fat, intervals or slow cardio? Or both? Any gender differences here? Or differences between fitness levels (beginner vs. advanced)?
MG: In most cases, my answer is definitely intervals... or as I like to call it "variable intensity training". In general, I think slow steady pace cardio is a waste of time, especially if the goal is lasting fat loss.

I think people need to get away from this thinking about "fat burning zones" and calories burned during the actual workout, and look at the bigger picture of what you're doing in your workout to stimulate the greatest metabolic response in your body... and the best metabolic and hormonal response is achieved through variable intensity training and strength training, not slow steady-pace cardio.

Now I will say that if someone is really deconditioned and can't handle higher intensity exercise routines just yet, this still doesn't mean that they can't simply use lower intensity routines, but still use it in a "variable intensity" fashion, by alternating between higher and lower exertion levels throughout the workout.

That wraps up our training portion of the interview. For more info about whether the Truth about Six Pack Abs Program is right for you, be sure to check out the following site:

I'll be back in a few days with the portion of the interview where we discuss the common nutrition mistakes most people make while trying to reduce body fat.

BY Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer

PS - feel free to copy this article for your blogs, websites or newsletters. Just copy it exactly as it is and leave the article source link as my blog post for the title.
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Wednesday 15 May 2013

Pure Acai Berry For Your Health

A bottle of Berry Punch Minute Maid
A bottle of Berry Punch Minute Maid (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Have you tried PURE ACAI BERRY?

English: grove of Acai palms. Deutsch: Die Aça...
English: grove of Acai palms. Deutsch: Die Açaí-Palme oder Kohlpalme wächst in Überschwemmungswäldern (Várzea) im unteren Amazonasgebiet, insbesondere in den brasilianischen Bundesstaaten Pará und Amapá. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Acai Berry has long been marketed as a dietary supplement and is known for its antioxidant properties - a super fruit that can turbo charge your weight loss efforts. 

Using the unique iNacai-VTM formula Pure Acai Berry Max 100% pure Acai Berry of the highest quality with other natural nutrients which do not only aid slimming but also helps fit fatigue and tiredness as well helping keeping your immune system as string as can be - putting Pure Acai Berry Max ahead of the competition! 

What are the benefits?

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• Can help with skin and hair pigementation
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• Can help with tireness and fatigue
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• Can help with the normal functio of cartilage


• Pure Acai Berry is a food supplement and isn't a replacement for a balanced,

varied and healthy lifestyle or for regular exercise.
• Pure Acai Berry isn't intended to treat, prevent or diagnose any disease

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