Showing posts with label skin care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin care. Show all posts

Sunday 7 July 2013

Natural Skin Care Tips for Men

"Healthy skin keeps him on the job" ...
"Healthy skin keeps him on the job" - NARA - 514790 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Copyright © 2009-2013 Janet Davis

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and one of the hardest working. Not only does it provide a waterproof, protective container for the organs inside the body, it has several functions that are utterly vital to human life - skin regulates body temperature to prevent fever or hypothermia, it screens out a number of unhealthy pathogens in the environment, and it repairs itself relatively quickly from potentially compromising injuries.

In light of all that skin does for the body, the case for proper skin care seems to be a strong one, but frequently skin is the one organ people seem to think they can let take a beating. Hard work, a little too much sunlight, bad diet and other factors can cause quite a bit of damage to the skin, much of which is actually very preventable. Men in particular seem prone to developing roughed up skin, but there are fortunately many ways that men can take better care of this incredibly important organ.

The Basics

Healthy, natural skin care begins with control - specifically controlling what the skin is exposed to. Like any other organ, the skin is part of the body and needs nutrients to survive. In particular, water and vitamins C and E seem to be the most desirable nutrients to focus on. Healthy skin requires water to properly perform the sweating function so regular intake of water is once again a key to a healthy body.

Vitamins C and E help reduce the impact of sun exposure, which means they play a critical role in reducing the incidence of skin cancer. As for minerals, the most important is Selenium (found in whole grain foods and eggs), which again helps the body ward off the development of skin cancer. For some, healthier skin can indeed be had for the addition of a glass of water, a piece of fruit, and two slices of whole grain toast every day.

Health (Photo credit: Guus Krol)
Apart from diet, exposure control requires thinking about the environment your skin will be a part of. Sunlight can be healthy, both for emotional well-being and for vitamin D exposure. However, UV radiation can and does cause skin cancer, and every sunburn you receive magnifies the risk. In addition, sunburns are painful and debilitating any way, so avoidance is entirely prudent. An all natural, high SPF and UV blocking sunscreen lotion does not take long to apply and can play a key part in regulating the skin's exposure to the sun. A hat can provide shade to the face and prevent overexposure to the nose and cheeks, while a light, long-sleeved shirt significantly reduces the amount of exposed skin. Again, the key is taking small steps that will lead to big rewards.

The Shave

While men aren't alone in having to shave troublesome body hair, they do have a marked propensity for having to do so on the most frequently exposed part of the body, the face. Shaving takes a toll on the skin as it literally involves dragging sharp blades over the surface of this sensitive organ. Couple this with the fact that many men seem to believe that proper shaving care is hot water before and after the scrape and you have a recipe for chronic skin problems.

In the case of shaving, a little extra effort can leave facial skin healthy and vibrant rather than dried out and irritable. First, don't use ordinary soap. Bar soap is great for getting the hands clean or a quick scrub in the shower, but it has a tendency to deplete natural oils the skin needs to stay healthy. This can lead to either excessively dry skin or excessively oily skin as the body tries to overproduce in compensation. Instead, use a naturally lubricating shaving lotion - there are many natural and organic shaving creams out there, such as those made from sunflower oils.

Health (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)
Additionally, give the cream time to work. As it sits on the face, it softens the skin and the hairs, making the shave easier on the body. Some users find that a shaving hairbrush whips up much more lather, so you may consider using this as well. After-shaves and balms help soothe the skin and the best ones should include a moisturizing element as well. This extra time should only add a minute or two at most to the shaving routine but in cumulative effect should have a major benefit on the skin's health and appearance.

The Extras

Up until now our focus has been on how to change an existing routine to help take care of skin, but there are other considerations as well. One of these is considering what treatments can be added for good skin care. It's all well and good to replace soap with gentle cleansers and trying to eat healthier, but sometimes even these good efforts don't take care of everything.

Organic and all natural moisturizers are one addition, as are nutrient gels. The skin is often the last part of the nutrition cycle; so adding a little vitamin E based moisturizer certainly can't hurt. Additionally, clay based facial masks can help with nasty bags under the eyes caused by long nights or poor nutrition.

Natural skin care doesn't require long retreats to exotic spas. As with most healthy lifestyles, healthy natural skin care just involves taking positive steps and making small but helpful changes to the routine we already have in place. It's not about a radical new exfoliant, but replacing harsh aftershave with natural, healthy balms. And as with most healthy habits, the best results come from the long-term effort, so stick with it and get the healthy skin you deserve.

About the Author:
Janet Davis and her husband are health and nutrition entrepreneurs and founders of Mark And Janet, a website with uncompromising, premium products for your health conscious family. For more on going green -- Visit us at or check out our blog at

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Source: Article Submission Service
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Wednesday 3 July 2013

Choosing a Homemade Soap Recipe

English: Handmade soaps sold at Hyères, France...
English: Handmade soaps sold at Hyères, France Français : Savons artisanaux en vente à Hyères, France (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Copyright © 2010-2013 J. Martin

If you are just starting out in soap making, it is important that you choose the right homemade soap recipe. Choosing a recipe that is too complicated will usually end in frustration and wasted ingredients. Below are some tips you can use to find a good soap recipe to start with in your soap making adventure.

#1 - Choose the Right Method

While it may seem obvious, you should first choose the soap making method you want to learn before you start looking for a recipe. If your intention is to learn how to make homemade soap completely from scratch, you'll want to start with the cold process.

#2 - Make Sure It's Simple

soap sale
soap sale (Photo credit: jessamyn)
It would probably be best not to try your hand at a complicated recipe right off the bat. Start with a simple recipe that uses a few basic ingredients. Once you are able to make this simple soap well and have mastered the fundamentals, then you can move up to other techniques like swirling and embedding botanicals.

#3 - Use a Homemade Soap Recipe from an Established Source

Soap Box Co Order (1)
Soap Box Co Order (1) (Photo credit: ovistine)
Due to the nature of soap making and the need for precise measurements, it is important that the recipe you choose comes from an established source. This will work to ensure that the recipe has been tested and has worked for other people. Imagine the frustration of using a recipe that was flawed to begin with! You may do everything right but the soap just would not come out properly.

#4 - Choose a Recipe with Ingredients You Like

You may be tempted to make a soap that has a scent that a family member or friend likes, however, it is best to stick to what you like at first. This is because you will want to make a batch or two before you are ready to let others try out your soap. You don't want to be stuck with a soap that has a scent that you don't enjoy for those first few batches!

A collection of decorative soaps, commonly fou...
A collection of decorative soaps, commonly found in places such as hotel bathrooms. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
#5 - Choose a Fun Recipe

While it may seem like the only fun recipes are the complicated ones, there are plenty of simple recipes that are a blast to make! Look around and you will be sure to run into more than enough recipes to keep you busy.

Choosing the right homemade soap recipe to start learning how to make soap isn't very complicated. Use these tips and you'll be on your way to making soap using a great recipe in no time!

About the Author:
For more information on how to make soap go to Soap Making Fun. J. Martin writes for

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Source: Article Submission Service
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Juice Beauty Make Up Buy Online

Assorted cosmetics and tools
Assorted cosmetics and tools (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cosmetics (Photo credit: My Sight, as You See.)
Check out Juice Beauty Shop online for a range of skin care and cosmetics, including mineral make up. Natural and organic products. 
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Monday 1 July 2013

10 Easy Steps to Feeling Fabulous!

English: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
English: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Copyright © 2010-2013 Carol Chanel

The most important thing you can ever do for yourself and for your love life is to feel fabulous.

Over the years of helping women learn to feel fabulous, I realized there are 10 steps you have to take in order to truly feel it. Before I tell you the 10 steps, I want to first share with you what being fabulous really means and what gets in the way of it. This way the steps will make sense.
Chanel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

You are Fabulous! Yes, you really are. I'm not talking about the ego's idea - the false sense of being fabulous. I'm talking about the whole of you: your essence, your heart, your spirit and your body. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. That means you come from Source - loving, pure positive energy. That means you are Source energy - loving, pure positive energy - in physical form.

What is being fabulous? It's an inner knowing of your worth, value, beauty, goodness, sensuality, passion, kindness, compassionate, love and joy. It's trusting yourself and Source. It's surrendering. It's honoring all the qualities and values you brought into this lifetime.

When you embrace your fabulousness - your life is filled, on a daily basis, with love and joy.

When you realize you are fabulous, you become an irresistible magnet. Men love a woman who truly lives in her fabulousness.

When you know it and exude it, men want to be around you - a lot. They don't care what size you are, how old you are or what you wear.

What Gets In The Way Of Feeling Fabulous

The ego or self-critical voice gets in the way.

The key to realizing you're fabulous is to quiet the ego that criticizes you. When you listen to ANY self-criticism, you can't feel fabulous. So if you criticize your legs, or your level of education, or your upbringing, or the school you didn't go to, or your energy level - you are cutting yourself off from your fabulousness.

Why would you do that? Is it habit? Because so many women do it, that it feels familiar? Because you think the criticisms are true?

Well, they are all lies. Any criticism about yourself is a lie.

There may be things you want to change about yourself. If you can do that now, great. Change them. Lose or gain weight, get more education, learn to sing or dance, tone your muscles, whatever you want to do, just go do it.

Cover of "The Power of Intention"
Cover of The Power of Intention
Stop complaining and get moving. The cost of complaining is exorbitant. The cost is love. I know, I did it for years. And then when I stopped I had to learn to stop criticizing myself for having criticized myself in the past. Oh the ego is ruthless and tricky! Thank goodness my heart and soul won out over my ego.

And whatever you do, don't expect a man to help you get over your criticisms. They can't, they don't know how and it's not their job. It's yours.

Remember, stop criticizing yourself. It's keeping you from love.

In your heart and soul is all the love and joy you came in with as a baby and somewhere along the line got disconnected from. It's not hard work to get back in touch with it, but you have to be willing to do some things.

The 3 areas of your life - physical, mental and spiritual - have to all be worked on to feel fabulous. I've written out the 10 necessary steps below.

10 Daily Steps to Feel Great About Yourself and Life

For lasting results you'll want to do all of these steps. I help women every day feel fabulous. So don't play small or complain or listen to your excuses. Just do these 10 steps. They're simple and easy. Honestly you'll be thrilled with the results.

1. Before you get out of bed start each day with 5 minutes of gratitude. Find 3 things that put a smile on your face. It might be your warm bed, your pet, a good friend, a new pair of shoes you bought, anything.

2. Read three to five pages of an inspirational book. I love Wayne Dyer, Esther and Jerry Hicks Abraham books, Don Miguel Ruiz, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, James Redfield, Byron Katie. I could go on and on. I would start with "The Power of Intention" by Wayne Dyer, then read "The Vortex" by Esther Hicks.

3. During the day, get some exercise. Every day. Something, even if it's just stretching in front of the TV. Move your body. Put on some music and dance for 10 minutes. Move your body. You'll feel physically good. Build up to 30 minutes or more a day.

4. Eat healthy foods and, most importantly, slowly eat SMALL portions. People always wonder why I'm slim. I eat what I want, including a cookie every day, but I don't eat a lot at any one time. Remember food is fuel and you need it during the day. Breakfast is crucial - it's your fuel for the first part of the day. Then you won't overeat at lunch or snack on high sugar foods.

5. Also during the day, take some quiet time. The ideal would be to meditate - which is just time to get free of the resistance the mind creates. Put on a relaxing CD and give yourself permission to relax - 10 to 15 minutes will make a difference.

6. Wear clothes that you feel fabulous in. Don't put on anything that you don't feel fabulous in - give those clothes away. You ever notice when you go on vacation you tend to take your favorite clothes. You rarely take something you don't like. So don't wear those clothes at home.

English: Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jer...
English: Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
7. Shift negative thoughts or perspective to positive ones. You actually choose how you're going to look at your life and your challenges. It's a choice. So if you notice you tend to be fearful, choose to let it go and trust all will be well. A belief is a thought that you keep thinking. So to change your beliefs, stop thinking negative thoughts and start thinking positive ones. If you want more help with this, I like the Focus Wheel technique in the book "Ask And It's Given" by Esther Hicks.

8. Then, make sure every day you give love to someone. Could be a cat or dog, your friend, neighbor, spouse, boyfriend, anyone. This will put you in the consciousness of love. It's crucial for your heart and soul.

9. And every day, give love to yourself. Just imagine filling your heart and every cell of your body with loving energy for yourself.

10. At the end of the day, before you go to sleep, end your day, as you started it, by being grateful. Spend a few minutes before you drift off to sleep verbalizing what you are grateful for today.

I guarantee you if you do EVERY one of these things for 30 days, you will significantly shift the way you feel about yourself. You will start to feel fabulous. Keep it up for 3 months and you won't even recognize yourself. You will feel like a Goddess.

Imagine feeling fabulous every day. If you start tomorrow doing all the things I recommend, you will feel great about yourself from now on.

Choose to be willing to feel fabulous and become irresistible. Choose to do the steps to feel fabulous for the sake of the absolute joy of feeling like a Goddess for the rest of your life.

Imagine the possibilities...

Carol Chanel

About the Author:
Carol Chanel is a Certified Life Coach who works with women to feel fabulous, attract lasting, loving relationships and create joyful and inspiring lives. To learn to feel fabulous, Carol has a "Feeling Fabulous Program" that teaches you to feel fabulous, reveal the irresistible you and attract lasting love. You can get information about this program by going to her website and clicking in the "Feeling Fabulous Program" box.

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Source: Article Submission Service
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Sunday 30 June 2013

Face Wrinkle Treatment Using Anti Aging Serums

A Wrinkle in Time
A Wrinkle in Time (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Copyright © 2010-2013 Cavyl Stewart

If you are like most people, your face will make you look older before anything else does, and probably before you would like it to! If this is the case, face wrinkle treatment may be something that you have already thought about in the past. However, there are a number of different ways to tackle the problem, all with their own separate pros and cons. Here, we will focus on the anti aging serums that you may have heard about recently.

You will want your anti aging serum of choice to include Vitamins A, B, C and D. These vitamins will help to keep your skin nice and firm, so that you can fight the effects of aging. Face wrinkle treatment is also about the prevention of future wrinkles, sagging skin and other problems, after all.

When applying anti aging serums, make sure to use upward motions to discourage sagging, and you should usually apply the serum a couple of times daily for best results. Of course, your particular serum may advise differently, and it's always best to follow the given instructions to the letter. You can also supplement your anti aging serum of choice with anti wrinkle cream, lotions and other helpful items to really enjoy great results at a much quicker pace than otherwise.

Face wrinkle treatment is really about using a multiple pronged approach. You can do this by not only using anti aging serums, but also by using simple facial exercises, anti wrinkle creams, and many other approaches, too. You can also help out your own cause by making sure to take good care of yourself. If you do not smoke, get plenty of rest and have a healthy diet and lifestyle, you will not age as quickly as others who do not.

About the Author:
Interested in losing keeping those wrinkles and fine lines at bay? Find out how you can get started getting rid of them today using proven all natural face wrinkle treatments. And for more tips on getting younger-looking skin please visit our website: Cavyl Stewart writes about health topics.

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Source: Article Submission Service
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Saturday 25 May 2013

Elemis Fresh Skin Pamper Free Vanity Case

Elemis FreshSkin Luxury Pamper PackagePresented in a luxury polka-dot vanity carry case and packed with every product in the fresh skin range. This is the ultimate kick start for perfect skin!Choose Elemis natural skin care and beauty products. Bought easily online with some fantastic discounts and promotions on offer!
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Elemis Spa Travel Collection For Her

English: A Facial mask. Português: Uma Máscara...
English: A Facial mask. Português: Uma Máscara facial. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Relaxing Massage and/ or Beauty Treatments can...
Relaxing Massage and/ or Beauty Treatments can be arranged for you in the privacy of your cottage. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A complete head to toe routine for the ultimate in indulgence on-the-go. This Elemis beauty gift set is full of pampering treats giving you all you need to ensure glowing, refreshed, supple skin. Includes: Pro-Radiance Cream Cleanser 30ml; Soothing Apricot Toner 50ml; Papaya Enzyme Peel 15ml; Exotic Cream Moisturising Mask 15ml; Pro-Collagen Marine Cream 30ml; Frangipani Monoi Body Oil 35ml; Skin Nourishing Shower Cream 100ml; Plus SAVE £23! 

Elemis is a well known brand used a lot in spas around the world in their beauty treatments and health spa. It is also used in 4 and 5 star hotels and can often be found in your room as the collection of beauty, skincare and bath products available to you.

Buy now online for discounts and special offers. Delivered direct, shipped worldwide.
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Memo Bottle The Bottle To Have

Memo bottle have you heard of it most of you probably have but for those who have not - here is a unique innovative and stylishly designed w...